Arc command
Targeted effect
Last updated
Targeted effect
Last updated
This effect spawns an arc between two points. You can configure the height of the arc and its orientation
To use this command you will need to type:
/pal arc <paramters...>
To display the demo effect use:
/pal arc demo <particle> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <duration>
This will spawn an arc
The basic command structure for this effect is:
/pal arc <particle> <originPos> <targetPos> <count> <height> <duration>
, originPos
, targetPos
and duration
have already been explained in the General Information page.
is the total number of particles that will make up the arc. The more, the more defined the arc will be.
is the height at the middle point of the arc. Aka the top height the arc will reach between the two points.
Example using count = 5 and perIteration = 100
/pal animatedball minecraft:electric_spark ~ ~ ~ 5 100 1 3
Example using count = 500 and perIteration = 100
/pal animatedball minecraft:electric_spark ~ ~ ~ 500 100 1 3
Example using factors of 1 2 1, creating an oval
/pal animatedball minecraft:electric_spark ~ ~ ~ 500 100 1 1 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3
Example using factors of 1 2 1, creating an oval, and rotating it
/pal animatedball minecraft:electric_spark ~ ~ ~ 500 100 1 1 2 1 2.0 0.0 0.0 3