Line command
Targeted, Oriented Effect
Last updated
Targeted, Oriented Effect
Last updated
This effect will display a line! Even a zig-zag one! Ok it's just a line, but you can do cool stuff with multiple lines! (Using the API instead of the commands will allow you to spawn another effect at the end of the line btw)
To use this command you will need to type:
/pal line <paramters...>
To display the demo effect use:
/pal line demo <particle> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <duration>
This will spawn a line oriented towards positive Z from the point you spawn it in and 4 blocks long.
The basic command structure for this effect is:
/pal line <particle> <origin> <target> <count> <maxLength> <zigZag> <zigZagsNumber> <zigZagOffset> <zigZagRelativeOffset> <duration>
/pal line <particle> <origin> <count> <length> <zigZag> <zigZagsNumber> <zigZagOffset> <zigZagRelativeOffset> <duration>
/pal line <particle> <origin> <yaw> <pitch> <count> <length> <zigZag> <zigZagsNumber> <zigZagOffset> <zigZagRelativeOffset> <duration>
, particle
, yaw
, pitch
, target
and duration
have already been explained in the General Information page.
is the number of particles that make up the line from start to end
is used when selecting a target point, and determines the upper bound of the length of the line
is used in place of target and determines how long the line will be
allows the line to have zig zags! (Note: you may get strange behviours here, try to change the number of particles too and see what happens!) (These options are not very well supported, sorry!)
is the number of zigzags in the line (to have a proper vertex the minimu number is 2)
is a set of three double values representing the direction of the zigZags
is a set of three double values representing the relative direction of the zigZags
The standard circle
/pal animatedcircle minecraft:soul_fire_flame ~ ~ ~ 50 2 0 3.14 true false false 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5
A semi circle
/pal animatedcircle minecraft:soul_fire_flame ~ ~ ~ 50 2 0 3.14 true true false 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5
Adding some angular velocity
/pal animatedcircle minecraft:soul_fire_flame ~ ~ ~ 50 2 0 3.14 false false true 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5
Example of messing around with parameters (angularVelocity x=2.0)
/pal animatedcircle minecraft:electric_spark ~ ~ ~ 50 2 0 7 true false true 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3