Text command
Oriented Effect
Last updated
Oriented Effect
Last updated
This effect will spawn a custom text with a custom font!
To use this command you will need to type:
/pal text <paramters...>
To display the demo effect use:
/pal text demo <particle> <text> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <duration>
This will spawn an "Hello world" facing the positive Z direction, using Arial plain, size 15! (About 1x5 blocks)
The basic command structure for this effect is:
/pal text <particle> <originPos> <text_to_display> <invert> <stepX> <setpY> <size> <font_name> <font_style> <font_size> <duration>
, particle
and duration
have already been explained in the General Information page.
is the text that will be dispalyed. You should input it like "Hello world!" (Note: some unicode characters are not supported and will display as rectangles)
makes the text dispaly as it has been hollowed out of a rectangle
stepX and stepY
define how many particles/pixels to skip to save up on memory. To have a good result, keep them between 0 and 5.
is a float value used to scale up or down the displayed text, and works on top the font size
is the name of the font you want to use, like "Calibri". You can use /pal fontlist
to get a list of all the supported fonts
is the style to apply to the font. Valid values are plain , bold and italic (without "")
is the size of the font. Higher values will produce a better quality result (around 15 is my suggestion, with a size of 0.1)
The standard halfsphere
/pal sphere minecraft:egg_crack ~ ~ ~ 200 2 0 1 true false 5
The inverted halfsphere
/pal sphere minecraft:egg_crack ~ ~ ~ 200 2 0 1 true false 5
The sphere growing really fast and nicely
/pal sphere minecraft:witch ~6 ~2 ~ 200 2 0.1 1 false false 5