Donut command
Oriented Effect - Version 0.1.0+
Last updated
Oriented Effect - Version 0.1.0+
Last updated
This effect spawns a donut! A donut is made up of a series of circles, forming a tube and a hole at the center! You can specify how big they are, how many, and how and if it should grow! Also know as the torus effect.
To use this command you will need to type:
/pal donut <paramters...>
To display the demo effect use:
/pal donut demo <particle> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <duration>
This will spawn a donut oriented to +/- Z, with the hole around 1.5 blocks big.
The basic command structure for this effect is:
/pal donut <particle> <originPos> <particlesPerCircle> <circles> <radiusDonut> <radiusTube> <rotation> <radDonutIncrease> <radTubeIncrease> <particlesIncrease> <particlesIncreaseEvery> <circlesIncrease> <circlesIncreaseEvery> <duration>
/pal donut <particle> <originPos> <yaw> <pitch> <particlesPerCircle> <circles> <radiusDonut> <radiusTube> <rotation> <radDonutIncrease> <radTubeIncrease> <particlesIncrease> <particlesIncreaseEvery> <circlesIncrease> <circlesIncreaseEvery> <duration>
, originPos
, yaw
, pitch
and duration
have already been explained in the General Information page.
idetermines by how many particles each circle forming the donut is made up. More particles mean more defined circles and thus, donuts.
is the total number of circles that make up the donut. More circles, the more the donut will be defined. For context, the demo effect uses 36 of them!
is the radius of the whole donut/torus itself.
is the radius of the circles, which make up the tube around the hole of the donut.
is a set of three double values, referring to the rotation of the donut/torurs effect (keep in mind that one of the directions won't change anything since it's a circle!)
referes to how much the dount should increase in size each iteration (aka each tick!). Low values of like 0.01 are recommended unless you want a very big effect!.
similar to the last one, but this referes to radius of the tube!
again, defines by how many particles the circles should grow each iteration, or each number of iterations (see below)
defines the number of iterations (ticks) that need to pass before incrementing the number of particles by the number speciefied earlier
defines by how many circles the tube should grow each iteration, or each number of iterations (see below)
defines the number of iterations (ticks) that need to pass before incrementing the number of circles by the number speciefied earlier
Too few circles
/pal donut ...
The inside of the tube
/pal donut ...